It has been one year since I first participated in PAWGUST. Lindy and I had so much fun walking at least 30 minutes every day in August that we are doing it again. I signed us up with a team name of Guide Dog Comet and friends to ensure Lindy gets extra exercise with me.
On day one of PAWGUST my good Guide Dog mate Dudley and I starred on WIN News in Canberra to promote PAWGust and the wonderful work that Guide Dogs like us do to keep our handlers safe while getting around our community.

Lindy and I have lots of variety for our PAWGUST. We PAWS along with the FIT ladies every Tuesday and Saturday but also spend quality time on our own. Last Sunday, we met up with other PAWGUST Guide Dog mates Dudley and Jazzy at Lake Ginninderra for another PAWGUST walk together with our handlers.
Apart from ensuring Lindy gets plenty of exercise, PAWGUST is also a wonderful way to raise money to supPAWt Guide Dog puppies currently in training who will one day go on to be the guiding eyes for those who are vision impaired. In NSW and ACT last year, the Orientation and Mobility specialists worked with around 4,000 people of all ages to enable them to get around their communities safely and independently.
All the services are provided at no cost to the clients. Apart from 5% of government funding, the rest is dependent on the generosity of all our wonderful supporters.
Your generous supPAWt is much appreciated.
“In 2018, Guide Dogs was voted as the 3rd most reputable charity in Australia, behind Royal Flying Doctor Service and CareFlight.”
I don’t mind not being the top dog when those other two charities save people’s lives.
What’s coming up next
I am busy preparing for my upcoming Canberra holiday. While Lindy and her friends go cycling in Vietnam, I will chill at Penny’s home in Yarralumla. I will give an update of my adventures in my next tail.
We should treat each other the way we would like to be treated.
After all, we are all creatures of the world with some differences.
This is the tail of Lindy’s Comet.
“Let’s all PAWS it forward with our generosity”
Woof Woof
Comet Hou
Tel: 0402 113 836 / +61 402 113 836