Lindy has inspired students in many primary schools as well as high schools and colleges. In particular, year 10 students have benefitted from Lindy’s presentation over the last few years.
The study unit ‘Sense of Purpose’ is ideal for Lindy’s presentation. She shared with the students her story of finding a purpose, setting goals, overcoming challenges and finally achieving goals.
What your students will learn
- The sense of empowerment
- Never giving up when you feel the chips are down
- Life returns what you put into it – reward for effort
- Time management
- Goal setting
Some of the latest comments from students:
“Lindy, your journey is truly amazing.”
“Lindy’s talk taught me that no matter what obstacles you face, if you really try you will be able to accomplish whatever you wish to accomplish.”
“Lindy is a very inspirational person. Her talk was really funny and I think a good talk for teenagers.”
Read more testimonials from students and teachers
Would you like your students to be inspired?
Contact Lindy to book an inspirational talk